We have partnered with various services to provide delivery to our local area. It’s a great way to send a sweet treat to someone, or just to stay comfy at home!
Please keep in mind that prices will be higher on these platforms. Their business models and commission fees are an excellent fit for most restaurants, but we aren’t most restaurants. As a nonprofit, we don’t just use our sales to make up for the cost of ingredients and equipment, we use it to give back to our community. Lowering that income is simply not viable for us at present. We hope you understand our decision and enjoy the new options.
Also keep in mind that, like in person, we sell our alternative diet options from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the days we’re open. They should appear as their own section– If you’re looking for alternative diet cupcakes on these menus and can’t find them, you may be scheduling an order outside of the appropriate window.
In-Store Pickup
For those interested in ordering in-store pickup, click here or navigate to Order Online > Pickup. We now have our own online store that lets you order in advance and schedule a pickup time at your convenience! We’re really excited to show this off and hope you enjoy using it.