Greetings! If you’re reading this, you may have recently received a missive from the organization Special Kneads and Treats, Inc. Unfortunately, this event has already passed, meaning you’ve missed your chance to join us.
However, next year’s Gala-Q is on March 13th, 2026, so keep an eye out when tickets open up closer to that date. And if you’re still itching to support us, check out our Donations page to learn how you can help EVERY kid get a birthday cake on their special day. Remember– with your support, no mission is impossible!
Silent Auction Registration
Though we’re fresh out of seats, you can still join in on the action by bidding in the online silent auction. You will have to arrange a way to pick up any items you have won from the bakery after the event.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have been to one of our previous auctions, you may need to create a new bidder login!
The platform we use for our silent auction, BiddingOwl, has released a new version of their website. If you use your old login from one of our past Gala-Qs, you may not be able to see any of this year’s items. If this happens, simply create a new account to access our auctions.
There are still more ways to show your support!
This year, we have received a mission from an anonymous source: find more recurring donors! From now through the night of the gala, if you sign up to give a monthly recurring donation (or choose to increase your current commitment!), your donation will be matched by our elusive benefactor – up to $2,000!
There are many other ways you can help, too. In particular, if you have any items that you would like to donate to this or next year’s Gala-Q silent auction, we would love to hear about it! Drop a line at our Contact Us page with the details. Or, go to our Donations page to find other ways you can help!