Today is a bittersweet day here at the bakery, and that isn’t because of the flavors in our mixers right now. One of our cashiers, bakers, and overall amazing people is working their last day today before they move on to bigger and better things.
Ian Pearce first joined the team as one of our volunteers in September of 2016. At the time, he refused to work up front because he didn’t feel comfortable talking to new customers. He continued his volunteer work, however, and in April 2017 he was added to our payroll and became a full-time employee. He later started college classes at the University of North Georgia and gained a degree in Environmental and Spatial Analysis.
At our Gala event in March of 2020, he spoke onstage about the our organization’s growth, which was no small feat. He was approached afterwards by an attendee who said, with his several maps and graphs, he had presented his findings better than some of the employees who worked for him. He offered to help him find a job, and as luck would have it, the world shut down soon after. Thankfully, though, he’s made progress since then, and he’s happy to announce that he will start his new job next week! That means that today will be his final day here.
Over the past five years at the bakery, Ian has been a joy to work with. We’re so excited for him, but also saddened since it means we’ll be losing such an amazing employee. He’s done stickers, dishes, baking, working up front– basically any job we need. We’re certain that wherever he goes he’ll find lots of success, and any time he comes back we’ll be treating him like family.
Way to go, Ian! Show ’em what you’re made of.